Volunteer Opportunities
Lay Pastoral Visitor Team
This team is made up of people who love seniors, those living in nursing homes, or who may be lonely in their own homes. We visit four retirement homes and residences once a month with a Holy Communion Service.
Visitors Team
We listen while residents share what burdens are weighing on them, and discern how we can pray for them. We also listen to their life stories and their memories and hear what has been important to them in their lives.
Often, they have been very dedicated and active members of a church, and they miss that. Attending church has been an integral part of their lives and now that mobility issues prevent them from getting there, they really appreciate our monthly visits with Holy Communion.
The reflection time together is more informal than at our Sunday services and often they will ask a question or add their experiences. They also love to join us when we sing their old favourite hymns.
At Christmas and Easter we deliver specially created hand made cards which they enjoy and often display for much longer than the season.
If you are a compassionate listener and love listening to people’s life stories, please contact the Reverend Deacon Pam Alderson at pam.alderson@standrewanglican.ca